Tuesday, 31 May 2011

pictures of black hair with purple

pictures of black hair with purple. lack hair with purple
  • lack hair with purple

  • stoid
    Aug 7, 07:05 PM
    Hmm..I wonder if this means that we wont see the issues plaguing the 23"s (poor color, banding, etc etc etc)

    If so, time to make an upgrade!

    I called my local Apple Store and the guy I talked to didn't even know that there were 'new' monitors. So I ordered mine online, pronto!

    pictures of black hair with purple. Black Hair In Layers.
  • Black Hair In Layers.

  • Surely
    Apr 21, 10:35 PM
    "Thanks" might work in a pure support form. But for news discussion, it makes little sense.


    Perhaps a "Relevant" button then.

    I guess leaving it as a +1 button is pretty much the same thing without using a word.


    I just think it may be more troublesome than helpful to have a -1 button. If someone disagrees with a post, they usually respond with an argument. If they agree, unless they have something to add, hitting the +1 button would work, and it would clear up the "Agreed" and "+1" posts.

    pictures of black hair with purple. Blue Purple Black Color Hair
  • Blue Purple Black Color Hair

  • TeppefallGuy
    Aug 1, 08:40 PM
    I spent 15 minutes registering for an account only to find out that The Daily Show is off limits for Norwegian buyers. I then tried to buy a DVD - only to discover that the DVD is US zone only. The Apple DVD player will not play it without a zone switch. And max is 4 times per OS install.

    The only way I can get The Daily Show is:

    1 - $$$ porn package from cable company
    2 - YouTube
    3 - Piracy

    I'm not 12 years old.. I don't have the time to pirate anything. So the only TDS for me is on YouTube. Quail hunting with the VP !!

    iTunes+DRM == Avis. You don't own ****. So... in Norway... DRM ! It's a crime !!

    Also.. The default M4A bit rate used by iTunes is a joke. You have to be 80 years old not to notice the huge difference between a CD and a standard iTunes M4A track.

    pictures of black hair with purple. Black Purple Wavy Electra Hair
  • Black Purple Wavy Electra Hair

  • jonharris200
    Jan 5, 04:34 PM
    guys don't forget also to quit your chat aps.

    u wait 3 hours for the stream and then...
    an ichat message pops up...
    "Hi buddy. I just went down to the apple store and now I'm writing to you with my new iPhone. Yeah.
    Wanna come over and check it out?"

    Also switch off mobile, unplug landline, wear iPod, raise volume, close curtains, disconnect TV, put head under pillow, sing loudly ... and retreat to a remote Hebridean island until the keynote is posted.

    Alternatively, if you're feeling more extreme...

    pictures of black hair with purple. pictures of lack hair
  • pictures of lack hair

  • archurban
    Oct 10, 07:41 PM
    so what will 6G be if it is not? that's question, huh?

    pictures of black hair with purple. Girls with Blonde Hair Pics
  • Girls with Blonde Hair Pics

  • Cybbe
    Jul 22, 06:00 AM
    Apple is right now the most disgusting company in the business.

    pictures of black hair with purple. with lack hair
  • with lack hair

  • Megakazbek
    May 3, 10:33 PM
    You're getting negative votes on your post just because people here know that Apple will never do that
    I don't really see why Apple will never do that. When Jobs said styluses are crap, obviously he didn't mean styluses as writing devices, he meant styluses as the way to interact with OS.
    Education applications seem to be of some importance to Apple, and stylus support is pretty much required to make iPad useful for students, for example.

    pictures of black hair with purple. Black Dress. Blue-Purple hair.
  • Black Dress. Blue-Purple hair.

  • Ugg
    May 4, 07:51 PM

    If I bring my child in for a checkup, physical, broken arm or runny nose the doctor really has no business asking questions that are not pertinent to the treatment of my child. He certainly has no business asking if I have guns in my house if I bring my kid in there for a physical or runny nose.

    Dr Choi made this point, "or if children can't play in their front yard for fear of gun fire, it is my problem too." Maybe his focus is on urban kids who live in high crime areas but given that most of the high profile firearm massacres in the past few years were suburban, it seems silly to split hairs, doesn't it?

    Do you feel that it's none of the doctor's business if you use a car seat for your child? What if he asked if you make sure the cleaning supplies and anti-freeze are locked up? Is that irrelevant?

    Dr Choi also makes the point that in 30,000 people were killed with guns (http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr58/nvsr58_19.pdf).

    In 41,059 people were killed in automobile accidents.

    What are doctors for?

    pictures of black hair with purple. Black Hair With Purple
  • Black Hair With Purple

  • miketcool
    Oct 6, 10:25 AM
    T-Mo may have screwed the pooch on their 3G rollout, but my phone doesn't drop 30% of my calls. It'll be interesting to see how ATT, and TMo keep up with the 3G coverage, as Verizon and Sprint move forward.

    pictures of black hair with purple. #purple hair #lack hair
  • #purple hair #lack hair

  • Dagless
    Apr 22, 10:02 AM
    No sir I don't like it. By all means have a +rep button, but don't add a -rep one. With this kind of site if you express the slightest justified dissatisfaction with Apple you'll be downranked to oblivion.

    I believe the Steam forum has the best method. Positive only. Keep reputation details private, but have the accumulated total under usernames.

    pictures of black hair with purple. For more Holiday Hair stories,
  • For more Holiday Hair stories,

  • neiltc13
    Apr 23, 07:24 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)


    All you have shown is a deep-seated fear of advertising. And it's been stated that Apple doesn't actually collect this data, so it isn't even being used for iAds.

    How exactly, specifically, will this cell phone tower tracking info compromise your personal safety? What exactly is there to fear? There must be something more than targeted advertising, which is at best an annoyance you have to live with anyway.

    This really isn't related to Windows 8, but...

    iPhone tracking and storing users' locations isn't really a surprise, nor is it worrying. What is an eye opener is that when Google was asked about the same thing, they gave an immediate response and explained how their phones work. Why hasn't Apple done this?

    pictures of black hair with purple. Purple Black
  • Purple Black

  • Patrick J
    Apr 29, 07:56 PM
    What about using the magic trackpad to "slide" the selection? Perhaps engaging "Tap to Click" then sliding the bar with the trackpad.

    My Magic Trackpad was collecting dust until the release of Lion DP's. OS X 10.7 is definitely making more use of the multi-touch features of the track pad.

    Takes too much time, and what about people with Mighty Mice (Mouses) and other mice with no touch interface?

    pictures of black hair with purple. by Hair Color Ideas in Black
  • by Hair Color Ideas in Black

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 02:53 AM
    That's 7pm here in the UK... Just when I get home from work! :)

    Are any sites offering live feeds, etc?

    Macrumorslive.com does text feeds (the whole site shuts down, although at WWDC this year was the first time I've been able to access the forums the entire time, and the front page auto-refreshes every 60 seconds) from the event. They're not there but the feeds come from people who are.

    We'll be well informed, don't worry.

    pictures of black hair with purple. Black hair purple buttons by
  • Black hair purple buttons by

  • mechamac
    Sep 12, 07:28 AM
    Didn't Lion's Gate mention the movie store in some recent internal conference? I doubt we'll be seeing just the iTunes Disney & Pixar Movie Store today. Fewer studios than we might like, but I can't imagine they'd launch without, y'know, a couple movies for grownups.

    pictures of black hair with purple. Black and purple hair color
  • Black and purple hair color

  • Cooknn
    Sep 12, 09:20 AM
    Perhaps they'll include HD-DVD burners in the new MBP's. :)I figure that's why the new Mac Pro's come with the extra optical drive bay - to accomodate a Blu-Ray / HD-DVD drive when they hit the streets. Then we can burn true HD content (with Dolby Digital EX sound).

    pictures of black hair with purple. Black Hair with Purple
  • Black Hair with Purple

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 01:19 PM
    ok, thought it was

    pictures of black hair with purple. lack hair with purple
  • lack hair with purple

  • bilbo--baggins
    Oct 17, 11:13 AM
    It's VHS vs. BETAMAX all over again. Hopefully this time, the superior technology will prevail.

    Nope. Cheap always prevails when it comes to marketshare. The average consumer is fairly thick, when they walk along the aisles at Walmart and wonder which one to chuck in their shopping trolley the majority will go for the cheapest.

    pictures of black hair with purple. have dark lack hair which
  • have dark lack hair which

  • Hazel
    Apr 29, 04:08 PM
    They still need to revert the faux leather on iCal. That's hideous.

    pictures of black hair with purple. Short Black And Purple Hair.
  • Short Black And Purple Hair.

  • abooch1
    Mar 17, 12:07 PM
    I been a browser of this forum for years, but never posted many threads, Picked up My black 16g wi-fi iPad 2 on launch day at Best Buy. The store was chaos, and it turned out to be a very lucky day. I told the stoner at the register I wanted to pay some of the balance in cash and the rest with my credit card. He counted the cash I gave him which was $230.00 looked dumbfounded for a moment, printed out a receipt and handed me my bag, followed by are we cool? I said yes, walked out and could not believe he never asked for the remaining balance. Walked out with a brand new ipad for 230.00 Wow!! Now normally I'm honest about things in that nature, but I have been screwed by Best Buy so many times I looked at it as being payback. Picked up a green smart cover incase sleeve and a STM micro ipad carry on sling pack, an excellent iPad combo. Yes, there are some minor issues with a little light bleed but no device is perfect, and it's not going to last 5 years. Instead of looking for imperfections and little micro scratches in the aluminum people should have fun and enjoy the device. Hope everyone is enjoying their iPad 2, I know I am

    That really isn't anything to brag about.. If I saw that this happened I would make sure I paid in full and if I realized I only paid I would go back and make sure I paid. I don't want someone to get fired just because I got a few hundred dollars off without bringing it to his and his managers attention.. To me that is pretty much stealing..

    Jan 11, 01:25 PM
    I know it's been said before but a wireless Apple MediaCenter would make sense, put that in your front room with all your media on it then have your imac in your office, MacBook in the den, (and one in each kids room and your bedroom if Apple have their wicked way). iPods get bluetooth so they can sync and everything would be 100% accessible all the time and if the MediaCenter was also the broadband router it would all be available remotely as well.

    ...the iCenter

    Jan 12, 06:25 PM
    He may be arrogant, but he deserves it. He's turned Apple from near bankruptcy to some of it's highest profits ever in just 10 years.

    If anything, he SHOULD be arrogant.

    He didn't do it by himself. There was a whole company working on things. The difference is that he had a vision of what should be happening.

    It took smart people in all areas to make Apple what it is today.

    Jan 14, 07:15 PM
    Gizmodo , as we say in the North of England , have well and truly p*ssed on their own chips.

    Mar 11, 04:38 PM

    The industry is undergoing a massive paradigm-shift, thanks to Apple.

    I am not seeing a transition in the crucial paradigm. They're not slowing down on the desktop and notebook front. Sure, we might be moving towards a tablet computing form factor, but that already exists.

    Oct 17, 12:27 PM
    That comment about not including the burner is interesting, and I'm at least trying to give it some more thoughtful consideration. Who really needs to burn 30 - 50 GB of data? For backup solutions, wouldn't just getting a huge external hard drive be more practical? Portability might be a factor there, but external drives aren't that cumbersome I don't think...More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

    We have 5.4 TB of available external file storage in SATA enclosures, but a lot of it is duplicate data from past jobs because we're afraid of disk failure. The enclosures are NOT small and they are not cheap to build -- even with the dropping price of >= 500GB HDDs.

    We're dying for and end to this format battle because we'd like to start storing past photographic assignments/jobs on one disc -- two, actually; one backup to be taken offsite and the other to go in a file cabinet -- and not have to trust a massive file server with moving parts.

    Given the eventuality of a HDD failure, tape cartridge read error, and degrading discs, I've been banging my head against a wall trying to figure out the best long-term data storage compromise between reliability, price, and size. :confused:

    Being able to store 30GB of RAW NEFs on one disc would be incredible. That would knock out an entire job in one disc. As camera sensors get even better, I can only imagine how much our storage needs are going to increase...

    I don't even want to guess how the people shooting with 22MP Leaf backs are storing their images...

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